Social Science Consultants tailors workshops to the needs, and time constraints of clients. Its consultants have experience leading the following workshops:
• Evaluation Essentials (option of 2-day, 1-day, and ½ day sessions). If an organization is embarking on integrating an evaluative approach into its work, we recommend that all in the organization be trained to some extent in evaluation. The level of the training should depend on the role of organization.
• Data analysis Training is provided on approaches and techniques used to analyzing data.
• Displaying data A workshop covers the art and science of creating compelling graphics from the analysis of data.
• Statistics Training is offered on any level of conducting statistical analysis. Training is tailored to the needs of organizations or small groups.
• Survey Design For organizations that implement numerous surveys, building in-house capacity in survey design and using electronic survey instruments can be cost-efficient.
• Creating a data collection and analysis plan Before collecting data, it is wise to have a plan of how each data element will be used. Having such a plan prevents organizations from collecting more information than necessary, and thus leads to cost savings.